Part 1: ggseg visualization with Freesurfer data in R

Purpose of this post

I enjoy finding new ways to visualize data in a meaningful (and also aesthetically pleasing) way. Finding the right tools in order to get your message across adds value, but can be challenging. When I learned about this visualization toolbox with the multitude of options it has, I had to learn how to use it – and it’s actually quite simple!

The links to both the blog and GitHub pages below are extremely informative (so please also refer to them)! Here, I wanted to outline the installation process I used in order to get the program running in RStudio (Part 1) and provide some examples of things I have done with the toolbox to potentially spark some inspiration (Part 2)!

Getting Started


All the credits for this awesome toolbox go to Dr. Athanasia Mowinckel & Dr. Didac Vidal Pineiro at the Center for Lifespan Changes in Brain and Cognition, University of Oslo. Be sure to check out Dr. Mowinckel’s blog, which has a great overview of the different options available with the toolbox.

ggseg GitHub link:

ggseg GitHub

Note: There seem to be some updates happening at the moment with the toolbox, so this may not work 100% for you, but it worked for me in May of 2020. Updates to come if this changes.

Compatibility – what I used

Operating System: Windows 10

R version: 4.0.0

RStudio version: 1.2.5033

Installation Guide

Libraries to install prior to ggseg


If some libraries are missing, use the command below with the toolbox name within the quotes as shown for tidyr.

$> install.packages("tidyr")

Installing ggseg

On the GitHub website, they state to use:

$> install.packages("remotes")
remotes::install_github("LCBC-UiO/ggseg", build_vignettes = TRUE)

Currently, there is a bug that is being fixed in the program with the Vignettes, so you will need to modify the code until this is fixed to:

$> install.packages("remotes")
$> remotes::install_github("LCBC-UiO/ggseg", build_vignettes = FALSE)

Personally, for me, I found that devtools works for installing the program without any problems. So since I already installed devtools above, just enter the following in RStudio:

$> devtools::install_github("LCBC-UiO/ggseg", build_vignettes = FALSE)
$> library(ggseg)

This will take a little bit of time and install version 1.5.4. You should see this in your window as:

$> building 'ggseg_1.5.4.tar.gz'


After installing ggseg, there are two default atlases pre-installed based on the default Freesurfer output from running recon -all:

  • Desikan-Killany cortical atlas (dk)
  • Subcortical segmentation atlas (aseg)

Additionally, the following atlases are available and the links show examples for how to use the atlases. These are beyond the scope of this post. I will focus just on the default atlases included in the package.

  • Yeo – both 7 and 17 network data
  • Desterieux – the 2009 atlas
  • Chen – both thickness and area maps
  • Schaefer – both 17 and 7 networks
  • Glasser – full atlas
  • JHU – white tract atlas
  • Tracula – white tract atlas
  • ICBM – white tract atlas
  • HO – Harvard-Oxford cortical (FSL)
  • DefaultExtra – extra 2d view for dk, p/a division

To install the extra atlases, first install ggsegExtra:

$> devtools::install_github("LCBC-UiO/ggsegExtra", build_vignettes = FALSE)
$> library(ggsegExtra)

To check to see which atlases are available enter the following command:

$> ggseg_atlas_repos()

Install the atlas you would like to use with the format below (using the Glasser atlas as an example):

$> devtools::install_github("LCBC-UiO/ggsegGlasser")
$> library(ggsegGlasser)

Now you should hopefully have ggseg installed and ready to go without any problems!